Super Mario Brothers 1 Level Map Bytes Document made by: Me_Dave Document name: Pending change Email: Website: N/a Wait what is this doc for exactly. Well all versions of super mario brothers have 32 playable levels plus 4 skip over levels. Anyway all of these levels are mapped or layed out inside the rom in plain hex staring right at you With the help of this doc you will be able to change which level appears where in the game. For instance if you want level 4-4 to be level 1-1 and 1-1 to be 4-4 all you have to do is change the hex codes with those spelled out in this document. And you can do this all with only a simple hex editor. No table files or any thing extra to load you just open the rom in your favorite hex editor load this doc in a text editor and find the starting location and use the working codes to remap the level locations of super mario brothers to your hearts desire. Googie had suggested that one could use this data to make the levels two worlds long instead of the normal one world levels. 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 1-4 something like that would sure be different than the norm. Me_Dave's hack only repeated random full levels over the 4 normal skip levels which made the game 36s levels long. Those are just a few things you can do with the hex codes listed in this document. The level map location starts here "0x1CCC: 25" And ends here "0x1CEF: 65" from level 1-1=25hex to level 8-4=65hex Now We are going to walk through the levels in hex from start to finish in other words in hex from level 1-1 through level 8-4 in the rom. Grab you favorite hex editor I recommend just a plain hex editor I used hex workshop and that is the type of hex editor I am referring to. Don't forget to find a copy of the smb1 rom then open it with the hex editor and jump to or find the location 0x1CCC in the rom which should be on the left hand side of the hex editor which is actually Ox1CC0 now look to your right on that line in the hex editor until you see 2529C0. You have your starting point. Let me lay out what levels they are in order. 25=level 1-1 above ground 29=reverse L-pipe skip level CO=level 1-2 under ground 26=level 1-3 above ground 60=level 1-4 castle 28=level 2-1 above ground 29=reverse L-pipe skip level 01=level 2-2 under water 27=level 2-3 above ground 62=level 2-4 castle 24=level 3-1 under ground 35=level 3-2 above ground 20=level 3-3 above ground 63=level 3-4 castle 22=level 4-1 above ground 29=reverse L-pipe skip level 41=level 4-2 under ground 2C=level 4-3 above ground 61=level 4-4 castle 2A=level 5-1 above ground 31=level 5-2 above ground 26=level 5-3 above ground 62=level 5-4 castle 2E=level 6-1 under ground 23=level 6-2 under ground 2D=level 6-3 iced under ground 60=level 6-4 castle 33=level 7-1 above ground 29=reverse L-pipe skip level 01=level 7-2 under water 27=level 7-3 above ground 64=level 7-4 castle 30=level 8-1 above ground 32=level 8-2 above ground 21=level 8-3 above ground 65=level 8-4 castle Now do you get the picture above is the normal level layout for an unaltered Smb1 rom. Now you can have fun switching the valid levels around anyway you want. Googie's Idea would be the best know way thus far. A reverse order hack would be wierd starting at level 8-4 trough level 1-1. You can do what ever with it though cause this doc is free for public use. Specail thanks go to: Googie no doubt for his really cool Idea. Dahrk Daiz for the Super Mario Bros. Hacking Document 1.0 Me_Dave for writing this stuff down for future reference. Good luck and happy hacking. Once you have remapped the levels you need to make sure the half way points are fixed to keep mario from getting stuck some where unexpected or worse he could fall and die repeatedly. Use SMB Utility to fix your half way points.